GBC Capital

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Business Valuation

Our qualified team members are trained to calculate the value and marketability of companies, closely-held business interests, partnership interests, intellectual property, and other intangible assets. The following tools and methodologies are utilized:

  • Financial Engineering
  • Industry Premiums
  • Comparable Analysis
  • Contribution Analysis
  • Asset Analysis
  • Comparable Transaction Analysis

The financial analysis is performed in order to determine whether the proposed transaction and consideration given or received is fair from a financial point of view. Additionally, the objective evidence supplied by a fairness opinion is often necessary for a variety of situations, including mergers, acquisitions, restructurings, financings, and privatizations.

Financial & Strategic Advisory

Our trained team of professionals reviews and evaluates a company's situation in order to identify alternative approaches for management to consider in the context of the establishment's goals. The firm's extensive experience includes:

  • Financial Analysis to Assist Management in Identifying & Validating Assumptions & Testing Profitability Impact
  • Evaluation Reports Based on Interviews with Management & Key Personnel
  • Attendance & Participation at Board Meetings to Provide an Independent Perspective
  • Advice for Companies in Distressed Situations & Evaluation of Strategic Alternatives to Address These Situations

Our professional members have extensive experience in the capital markets and have developed relationships with private equity firms, mezzanine, senior debt, and other institutional financing sources. Our commitment to our clients includes:

  • Due Diligence
  • Preparation of a Confidential Information Memorandum
  • Identifying Financing Sources
  • Preparing Management for Presentations
  • Guiding the Client through the Process, & Working with Its Client to Solicit Terms Sheets
  • Selecting Financing Source(s)
  • Negotiating Valuation Ranges